Texel Sale 2022


Texel Rams Lots 18 - 31

Texel Rams Lots 32 - 43

Texel Rams Lots 44 - 58

Texel Rams Lots 59-70

Sufftex Rams Lots 71 - 74

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NOT IN SALE - LOTS 26,55,67 and 69

We can export to Northern Ireland under the Scrapie Qualifying scheme - 

Scrapie Qualifying status is a new temporary status within the Great Britain Scrapie Monitored Scheme (SMS).

Animals from flocks with Scrapie Qualifying status are not Scrapie Monitored as defined in the Scrapie Monitoring Scheme rules, but they are eligible for export to Northern Ireland under a limited derogation within the relevant EU Regulations.

Register for this sale

Last Updated: 27/07/2024 1:22pm

Texel Rams  

Lot Price Buyer
18 £1450 135
19 £1800 134
20 £1900 171
21 £1400 184
22 £1300 145
23 £1000 123
24 £1250 158
25 £1250 153
27 £1000 113
28 £1150 123
29 £1500 161
30 £750 117
31 £900 133
32 £2800 187
33 £1850 119
34 £2000 187

Texel Rams  

Lot Price Buyer
35 £850 164
36 £850 164
37 £750 181
38 £900 186
39 £1150 108
40 £600 142
41 £850 185
42 £600 168
43 £800 159
44 £1200 133
45 £1150 158
46 £1150 165
47 £650 149
48 £700 143
49 £600 143
50 £850 133

Texel Rams  

Lot Price Buyer
51 £900 144
52 £800 159
53 £2850 121
54 £1500 169
56 £1450 113
57 £1450 130
58 £650 185
59 £750 170
60 £600 173
61 £750 117
62 £650 118
63 £1300 153
64 £950 185
65 £750 117
66 £650 178
68 £500 115
70 £450 172

Suftex Rams  

Lot Price Buyer
71 £650 135
72 £500 148
73 £500 155
74 £400 172


Lot Price Buyer
1001 £700 183
1002 £275 169
1003 £300 152
1004 £350 134
1005 £450 180